Creating a Space Invaders Clone with Python

To challenge my knowledge of Python programming, I created a clone of the classic arcade game Space Invaders and added a modern twist. My goal for this project was to replicate the core gameplay of the original while enhancing the graphics and gameplay ever so slightly. I used a set of Python modules designed for writing games called Pygame to assist in the development. Prior to this project I had no experience using Pygame, so it was an exciting learning experience. You can view the full source code on my GitHub profile here.


<Image alt={Space Invaders} src={/images/space-invaders-with-python/space-invaders.png} width={795} height={620} />

If you've ever played Space Invaders, you'll notice all the familiar elements - the ship, invaders, blockers, score, and lives. The classic game features five rows of eleven enemies. For my clone, I decided to only use ten per row so the screen didn't feel too congested. To spice up the visuals from the original arcade game, I gave the enemies different colors to signify their point values. Also, rather than using a static black background, I chose to use an image of space for some extra flair. The final change from the original is the ship. Paying homage to the design from Galaga, I transformed the ship into a stylish cruiser.
